Sunday 1 January 2012

New Year Resolutions

In our house we always did this New Year Resolutions thing a bit different, because it was always me mum who would come up with New Year Resolutions for me and me brother so really they were just a list of boring chores like “I will make me own bed straight away when I get up” and “I will wash them dishes after Sunday lunch without being told” and “I will always put me bike away in garage straight after I finished play with it” – so they were no fun at all!
I understand New Year Resolutions more better now, but I still think overall they are a miserable way to start a new year! And I reckon the reason why so many people in the world fail to keep them New Year Resolutions is that they choose real boring things or things they don’t really wanna do! I mean, it is boring and stupid to say that from 1st January you are gonna stop eat chocolate and sweets to loose weight, or you are gonna go gym to get more fit, or give up alcohol or cigarettes, or cut down on spending to have more £££ in the bank, or be more organize and tidy. I am not surprised that many people fail keep boring New Year Resolutions like these for longer than one or two days – in fact I reckon it’d be big relief to fail!
I find out from a Brazilian friend that in Brazil they make a list of wishes for the New Year instead of a list of boring resolutions like we do in England. I think a list of wishes sounds to be a more fun and more positive way to start a new year! So I have decided to do same and make a list of things I wish to do in 2012. Of course in 2012 I wish to have success in me university studies so I get a good job and all stuff like that, but I figure that you readers of me blog won’t be so interested in that wishlist, so instead I have come up with a list of more wild and fun and exciting wishes that I’d like to do in 2012 and here they are:

            1) As London will host Olympics 27 July – 12 August with over 200 different nationalities take part, I wish to meet and be fucked by as many different nationalities as possible in 2012!

            2) I never been to proper orgy party, so I wish to go to one in 2012, and at this orgy I wish to be tag-fucked by 3 tops at least!

3) I wish to do a private homemade sex video to upload onto xtube (but maybe not show me face!)

4) I wish in a 3some to try be double-penetrated by two cocks at once!

5) I wish to have a summer holiday in 2012 that is even wilder than in 2010 and 2011! Maybe if I go Germany I will go Horse Fair Fuck-Market eh? That should guarantee a wild summer holiday innit!

6) I wish to be fucked by someone well-known off of the TV or who is an actor on the stage or who is in a band or someone who once did star in a porn movie or something.

7) I wish to be fucked by a reader of me blog and then blog all about it!

8) I wish to have more sex with more blokes in 2012 than any other year so far!

I realize it is a long wishlist, but I figure that as not every wish does come true then the more wishes I make the bigger the change of some success! So I hope you will cross your fingers and wish me luck with me wishes for 2012 – and of course I will blog all about them wishes that do come true so you can all share in me good fortune. And of course if any of you readers have any suggestions of other wishes for me to add to me 2012 wishlist…. well let me know by leave a comment below! And for now, all that is left to be said is “Happy 2012!!!”


  1. I wish all your wishes come true since that will be more great postings on your blog for me. "Happy Fucking"

  2. wow! great blog buddy. certainly will start following your stories. cheers from new zealand

  3. Happy New Year! I can help with one wish, I read your blog and want to fcuk you!

  4. Thanks for that JayStoryman, I hope all them come true too! and thanks for reading Proud Bator, hope you continue enjoy me blog! And thanks for that Hot Bear, maybe we will have a hot entry together eh??!!

  5. You forgot adding a number 9 ;)

    I - and I am pretty sure many other guys out there - would really appreciate seing some nasty photos of you ;)

  6. Excellent Wish List! Happy New Year!

  7. well anonymous, I am happy to make your wish list suggestion come true because I did just add some "nasty" photos of me to me latest entry which you can see here Danxxx

  8. Excellent list there, wish I could find an orgie to blog about.

  9. Thanks Jared, so what else besides find an orgie is on your 2012 to do list??!!

  10. There are so many of these I'd love to help you with...
